By 2030, the “median 10-year risk of heart disease will increase to about 15% for men and 8.6% in women” according to a Health Affairs study reported in Beckers Hospital Review. This is an increase from 12.7% in men and 6.8% in women that was the incidence in 1991. According to the study’s author, Dr. Ankur Pandya, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate the cost of coronary artery disease to be $108.9 billion annually, including healthcare services, medications and lost productivity.
There is a short list of primary, controllable factors that affect your risk of heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome, according to the American Heart Association:
It includes a questionnaire, tips on how you can make small, achievable improvements in some of your risk factors that may reduce your risk estimate, learn if your unique pattern of risk factors makes you more likely to be in a higher-risk category called “metabolic syndrome,” and how to develop your own plan to reduce your risk. Upon completing the assessment you will be able to print out a report detailing your risk factors.
Angina tends to happen with activity, after a heavy meal, or with emotional stress. However, angina may also happen when you are resting. The pain happens more in cold weather.
We recommend you use the Heart Attack Risk Calculator available on the AHA website:
Before you take the test, have your “numbers” handy, including: